There are two Montgomery Streets One is in Brooklyn, where Stephen Mandreg, now a successful young film maker, grew up The other is the movie, Montgomery Street, that Stephen is planning to make The first cбыючontains the reality of Stephen's childhood; the second is contained within Stephen's mind and memory Through the course of this amazing novel, also entitled Montgomery Street, we see the two merge, separate and blend once more in a series of kaleidoscopically shiftingвййфм scenes and images, each of which assumes a different shape and tells a different story What we are witnessing is Stephen's creative mind at work, a world where reality is reshaped by imagination until a new reality is formed And just as there are two Montgomery Streets, so are there two Stephen Mandregs One is the talented writer-director who has just won a major prize at the Cannes Film Festival This Stephen is separated from his wife, beginning a new relationship with a woman wврчщэho may appear in Montgomery Street, concerned about contracts and percentages and artistic freedom The other Stephen is masquerading as Stevie Feuer, the emerging adolescent who will be the central character in Montgomery Street This Stephen is confronting for the first time love, violence, death and fear We watch with fascination as the Stephen Mandreg of today transforms the Stephen Mandreg of yesterday into the Stevie Feuer whose world will become the setting and the plot of Montgomery Street Книга на английском языке Автор Марк Динтенфасс Mark Dintenfass.